COVID-19 - Important Notice To Customers


During this turbulent period globally where we are faced with an unknown pandemic that is attacking nations, our hearts go out to those who have fallen victim to this disease and our prayers go-out to those who are currently being treated, we wish them well.

The safety and health of our community, including our customers and staff, is our primary focus. We will endeavour to do all that is within our might to ensure that your health is prioritised.

The World Health Organisation and the National department of Health has set-out guidelines by which we should all be abiding by. BLT Meat Distributors is doing its part by implementing health measures that will mitigate the risk of unwittingly contracting or transmitting this disease.

As a precaution, we have taken the following steps to ensure your safety and ours:

  • There will be no physical contact when we deliver your meat
  • We will be wearing protective gear at all times
  • No signing required, your invoice will be emailed and this will serve as proof of purchase and delivery
  • We will sanitise our hands prior to delivering and after delivery is completed

Most importantly, we have been approved for operating during this shutdown period so we look forward to you placing your orders.



BLT Meat Distributors